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04. svibnja 2011. - Na Akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti u Rijeci Vesna iz udruge Ruta vodi radionicu filcanja vune. Prije izradivanja filca iz sirove vune govori nam o kvalitetama vune.

Ruta - udruga s otoka Cresa, najpoznatija po radu s vunom, fokusirana na poboljšanje društvenog, kulturnog i ekološkog identiteta otoka. Opredijeljena za toleranciju i mirno civilno društvo, nastoji oživjeti i ocuvati stare tradicije, obrte i vještine, poticati proizvodnju i uporabu zdrave hrane, a sve u svrhu promicanja umjetnickog i kreativnog izražavanja.

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May 4th 2011 - Vesna from Ruta leads a workshop on felting wool at the Art Academy in Rijeka. She explains about the qualities of wool before we begin to make the raw wool into felt.

Ruta - An organization on the island of Cres, near Rijeka, most known for working with wool, focuses on improving the social, cultural, and ecological identity of the island. Committed to tolerance and peaceful civil society, they strive to revive and preserve old traditions, crafts and skills, encourage production and use of healthy foods, to promote artistic and creative expression.

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