o/ about . > . Vune Umjetnost / Wool Installations .

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Vesna Jakic

Dizajnerica tekstila i odjece i voditeljica udruge Ruta za kvalitetniji zivot na otoku Cresu.

Otok, vuna i more moja su stalna inspiracija. Proteklih 12 godina vodim lokalne projekte, kreativne radionice filcanja s djecom i mladima te organiziram izlozbe vezane za upotrebu vune, koja je na Cresu postala ekoloski problem. Od 2008. proizvodi Udruge Ruta Cres nose oznaku kvalitete Hrvatski otocki proizvod.

Kao dizajnerica tekstila i odjece, kostimografija je izraz moje strasti za nesputanoscu zivotne kreacije u svim njenim bojama i oblicima. Ta stras najjace bukne u doba karnevala pa sam 12 godina kreirala kostime i izradivala kostimografiju za karnevalsku grupu Vezgani iz Cresa. Iz toga je 2011. nastao "Karnevalski kolaz", samostalna izlozba mojih karnevalskih kostima izlozena u galeriji Decumanus u Krku.

Od kreiranja renesansnih haljina za Renesansni zbor Vartoslav Lisinski, preko vodenja kreativnih radionica za mlade "Ovcje ludorije", do kostimografije za etno predstavu "Tanac z ovcun", otkrivam procese materijalizacije maste...vjerujuci da kreacija ostavlja nas najljepsi trag na Zemlji.

Clanica sam ULUPUH-a, zivim i radim na otoku Cresu.

e-mail: ruta@ri.t-com.hr www.ruta-cres.hr

Vesna Jakic

Textiles and clothes designer and head of the Ruta – association for better living on the island of Cres

The island, wool and the sea are my constant inspiration. For the last 12 years I've been managing local projects, creative felting workshops for children and youth and organizing exhibitions about the usage of wool, which has become an ecological problem on Cres. From 2008 Ruta's products have the Croatian island product mark of quality.

As a textile and clothes designer, costume designing was always my way of expressing passion for unshackled life creations in all it's colours and shapes. This passion always blazes in the time of carnival and that is why, for the last 12 years, I have been creating costumes for the carnival association Vezgani from Cres. This enabled me to have an independent exhibition of carnival costumes called "Carnival collage" in the 2011 in Decumanus gallery in Kirk. From creating Renaissance costumes for Renaissance choir Vatroslav Lisinski, through managing creative workshops for youth called "Wooly fooly", to making costumes for etno-play "Tanac z ovcun", I’ve been discovering processes of materializing imagination, believing that creating something new leaves the most beautiful mark on Earth.

I am member of ULUPUH and live and work in Cres

e-mail: ruta@ri.t-com.hr www.ruta-cres.hr