. Vune Umjetnost / Wool Installations .
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Tomislav Brajnovic
Nasukani brod
Lukobran dozivljavam kao dodirnu tocku ruralnog i urbanog, divljeg i civiliziranog, uzburkanog i mirnog. S jedne strane otvoreno more i kamene gromade za njegovo razbijanje, s druge pristaniste, zastita i mir gradske luke. Tanka linija koja naglasava intervenciju covjeka u prostoru.
Nasukani brod je spoj site specific instalacije i performansa/dogadaja. U vanjsku stranu lukobrana zabijena je gromada betona koja je dodavanjem bokobrana, kormila i jarbola pretvorena u nasukani brod. S unutrasnje strane postavljen je stol sa stolicama. Nasukani brod i stol povezani su malim kuglicama vune.
Odnos covjeka i prirode, ovce kao simbol pitomosti, kulture, ali i nekog drugog vremena, ritma i brzine zivljenja.
Lukobran kao suceljavanje i susret dvaju svjetonazora, propitivanje civilizacijskog razvoja i napredka...
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Tomislav Brajnovic
Stranded Ship
I experience the pier as a meeting point of rural and urban, wild and civilized, rough and calm. Open sea and rocks from one side, peace and harbor on the other side.
A thin line that emphasizes the human intervention in the space.
The Stranded Ship is a combination of site/specific installation and performance. A concrete block is stuck in the external side of the pier. By adding fenders, rudder and mast the concrete block is converted into a stranded ship. On the inner side of the pier a table with benches has been placed. The stranded ship and the table are connected with small pieces of wool.
The relation between man and nature, sheep as a symbol of tameness, culture, but also of another time, rythm and speed of life.
The pier as the confrontation line of two points of view, questioning of the civilizational development and progress...
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