o/ about . > . Kontekst / Context .

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Strizenje Lukobrana je stvaranje nove price za grad Rijeku, one koja povezuje njezinu zivotnost, jedinstvene urbane lokalitete, prirodne elemente i jak osjecaj za kulturu. Ona pokazuje da je tik ispod povrsine Rijeka grad sa snaznim strujama brojnih mogucnosti. Istrazujuci zamisao o lukobranu u Rijeci kao mjestu preobrazbe i razvoja, Strizenje Lukobrana nije zamisljen kao rad koji daje odgovore, vec platforma i proces koji otkriva mastu. Izravno ukljucujuci lokalne umjetnike i obrtnike u stvaranje vunenih umjetnina s ciljem transformacije dozivljaja pristanista, Strizenje Lukobrana se oslanja na dugu povijest gradskih kreativnih snaga, otkrivajuci osobne, neizrecene i nevidene aspekte grada.

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Pier Shear is the creation of a new story for the city of Rijeka, one that connects its livelihood, unique urban locations, natural elements, and strong sense of culture. It shows that just under the surface, Rijeka is a city with deep currents of possibility. Exploring the idea of the pier in downtown Rijeka as site of transformation and growth, Pier Shear is not a work that provides answers, but a platform and a process that reveals imagination. By directly involving local artists and craftspeople in creating artworks of wool aimed at transforming the experience of the pier, Pier Shear draws upon the city’s long history of creative strengths exposing personal, unspoken, and invisible aspects of the city.

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