o/ about . > . Kontekst / Context .

*scroll down for english

Ovce su simbol svakodnevnih vizija koje okruzuju Rijeku. One su utkane u kulturu kroz sale, metafore, reklame, price i obrede. Cesto ih se uzima zdravo za gotovo, slicno kako vidimo i lukobran. Ovcja vuna, kao i neosmisljeni gat, cesto je dozivljena kao bezvrijedna, medutim, kada se vizije i talenti rijeckih umjetnika usredotoce na stvaranje promjena dogada se nesto divno i ispunjava nas zadovoljstvom.

Strizenje Lukobrana koristi 'preobrazbu' kao svoju metaforu. Rijec je o preobrazbi onoga sto je oko nas u otkrice, duboko promisljeno i zadovoljavajuce. Naime, Strizenje Lukobrana transformira vunu u nova umjetnicka djela kako bismo vidjeli lukobran i Rijeku novim ocima. Bas kao sto se ovcja vuna transformira u sjajne umjetnicke radove, tako i gat postaje izazov za svoju preobrazbu.


Sheep are a symbol of the everyday visions that surround Rijeka. Sheep are woven into the culture through jokes, metaphors, advertisements, stories, and rituals. They are often taken for granted, similar to how we view the pier. The sheep’s course wool, like the raw feeling of the pier, is often seen as valueless; however, when the visions and talents of artists from Rijeka are focused on creating change, something wonderful and deeply satisfying happens.

Pier Shear uses ‘transformation’ as its metaphor. It is about transforming what is around us into something revealing, thought provoking, and deeply satisfying. Specifically, Pier Shear is about transforming wool into new works of art that can help us see the pier and Rijeka with new eyes. Just as the sheep’s wool is transformed into great works of art, the pier also becomes a challenge as to what it can become.