. Vune Umjetnost / Wool Installations .
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Milijana Babic
Ni ovce ni novce
Stara izreka sa ovih prostora, Ne mozes imati i ovce i novce, govori o neizbjeznosti zivotnih kompromisa. Nasi stari iz iskustva su znali da se prvo moraju odreci nekih stvari, primjerice ovaca, kako bi imali neke druge stvari, kao novce. No, njihovu mudrost uspjela je poljuljati jedna korporacija. U sveprisutnoj reklamnoj kampanji, Tele2 obecava svojim korisnicima I ovce i novce. Prodavanje ideje da se moze imati 'sve' u trenutku kad mnogi nemaju nista, izaziva ovu anti-izjavu, cija logika ne prihvaca 'ili-ili' kao ni 'i-i' mogucnosti.
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Milijana Babic
Neither sheep nor money
The old proverb from this region, You can't have both sheep and money, speaks about the necessity of life's compromises. From their experience, our elders knew that they first had to give up something, e.g. sheep, in order to get something else, like money. However, one corporation managed to shake their wisdom. In their omnipresent advertising campaign, Tele2 promises to their customers Both sheep and money. The selling of the idea that you can have it ‘all’ in the times when many don’t have anything, provokes this anti-statement, whose logic does not except ‘either-or’ or ‘can-have-both’ possibilities.
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